Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Synodal Journey
Walking Together - Diocesan Synthesis
A two-year ‘synodal’ process is taking place in the Catholic Church from October 2021 that culminates in the final Synod Gathering of Bishops in Rome in October 2023. The overall theme is “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission”.
The first phase of the Synodal Process is a time of listening in local churches. We propose that this phase takes place in parishes during the Season of Advent. The aim is to foster as broad a consultation as possible, reaching out to integrate the voice of the poor and the excluded, and not only engaging those who have some role or responsibility within the local parish. Our Diocese has already started its Synodal journey through some discussions and submissions made through ‘A Precious Place of God’s Grace’ and we will build on what has been shared so far.
Our local process culminated in diocesan pre-synodal meetings in Poole and Plymouth in February/March 2022.
Walking Together – Diocesan Synthesis
The Diocesan synthesis for the Synodal Journey called for by Pope Francis, for the Diocese of Plymouth – titled “Walking Together” – has now been completed and includes a Foreword from Bishop Mark. This has now been sent to the Bishops Conference, to contribute to the National Synthesis. We will continue to reflect as a Diocese on taking this forward at local level.
The Diocesan synthesis can be downloaded here.
The appendices can be downloaded here.
Regular updates on our local listening journey were provided through monthly newsletters sent to parishes and shared online:
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