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9th September 2024

The Safeguarding Office - Support for victims of abuse

The Safeguarding Office provides advice and support to all victims of abuse, regardless of whether this is something that is happening currently or that happened in the past.  We work with anyone who has been abused, both those who were abused within the church, as well as those who have been abused in other settings.  We are here to help you whether you were a child or adult when the abuse took place. We are not here to blame, judge or make excuses for the abuser, we are here to help all those who have experienced abuse or are still in an abusive situation, in any way we can.


The Safeguarding Office can provide you with support, advice, and signposting to relevant organisations.  Our dedicated team of safeguarding professionals work closely with other agencies both locally and nationally including the Police, Probation, Social Services, and to standards that are set out by the Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency.


Please contact us for a confidential conversation.  You can call us on 01364 645430 (Monday to Friday from 9:00am – 4:30pm) or e-mail us on

22nd April 2024

Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse – 30th April 2024

The Bishop's of England and Wales have set aside the Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Easter as a Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse.


This is a day of prayer for those who have been abused, during a season of hope and new life. 


This year’s focus is on communities who have been directly affected by allegations or convictions related to abuse – especially, but not exclusively, within the Church.

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19th March 2024

Safeguarding Training in Dorchester - Saturday 20th April 2024 - 10am-3pm

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The Safeguarding Representatives within our Parish work closely with the Diocesan Safeguarding Office. Together, they support the ministry of the Church by providing a professional and robust support around the protection of children, young people and adults at risk, to ensure that worshipping communities are safe places where all have a positive experience of the Church in which they feel loved, accepted and safe.

They are committed to treating all individuals with dignity and respect, and any issues dealt with are managed in a sensitive and caring manner. All volunteers and employees working with vulnerable groups must agree to adhere to the Catholic Church’s National Safeguarding Policies before they can be appointed.  


Our Parish Safeguarding reps:

Sara Nisco - 07963 647516

Geoff Valler - 07419 831795

Debbie Knight - 07917 725469


Or Father Anthony as the Parish Safeguarding



Or you can contact the Diocese Safeguarding Team at:

Safeguarding Office
St Boniface House
Newton Abbot
TQ13 7JL

General Enquiry Number: 01364 645430

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