Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
Mass Times
Mass is celebrated at St Joseph's Church.
Regular Mass Times
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday - 6.30pm
Wednesday - 10am
Thursday (Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion) - 10am
Friday - 10am
Saturday - 3pm (Polish Mass) (2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month)
Saturday - 6pm (First Mass of Sunday)
Sunday - 8am
Sunday - 10am (Live Streamed)
Sacrament of Penance
(by prior appointment)
Wednesday - 10.45am
Please note:
Due to the increasing popularity of the Tuesday evening Mass, I will be saying Mass on Thursday evenings for the month of January as a trial. These Masses will start on Thursday the 9th of January at 6.30pm and will replace the Thursday morning Eucharistic Service.
Fr A

Christmas Mass Times
Mass is celebrated at St Joseph's Church.
Christmas Week Mass Times
Monday 23rd Dec - No Mass
Christmas Eve ​
Tuesday 24th Dec - 5pm Family Vigil
- 11.30pm Carols
- 12am Midnight Mass
Christmas Day
Wednesday 25th Dec - 8am
- 10am (Live)
Boxing Day
Thursday 26th Dec - No Mass
Please note: there will be No Mass on the following dates:
Friday 27th Dec
Monday 30th Dec
Tuesday 31st Dec
New Year's Day
Wednesday 1st Jan - 10am Mass
Please note: there will be No Mass on the following dates:
Thursday 2nd Jan
Friday 3rd Jan
Monday 6th Jan
Tuesday 7th Jan​​​
Father Anthony will hear Confessions from 5.15pm every Saturday before Christmas and from 5.45pm every Tuesday before 6.30pm Mass.