Parish of Our Lady, Star of the Sea
4th September 2024
First Holy Communion 2025
If your child is in Y3 or above and would like to prepare for First Communion, please collect a form from the church porch if you haven’t already done so, fill in the details and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible please or at the latest by Sunday 15th September.
The First Communion team need to know numbers now so resources can be ordered and we can plan accordingly.
The course will begin in October and families will be notified nearer the time. We look forward to welcoming you. Any queries please contact Anne Hall: 07977066981

2nd July 2023
First Holy Communion 2023

Our 2023 First Holy Communion Cohort concluded their course with a Mass of celebration last Sunday. Following two very special First Holy Communion Masses the previous two weeks.
Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward to receive Holy Communion for the first time.
May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist.
31st July 2022
First Holy Communion 2023
Our next course will begin in October. Parents of children who will be in Year 3 and above in September 2022 and who wish for them to prepare to receive their First Communion in 2023 are asked to complete an application form and return it to the Parish Office as soon as possible or by the end of July. Any queries please contact Anne Hall 07977066981.
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
The preparation for the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist is a very special time in the moral and spiritual development of young people.
​The young people are prepared for the Sacrament of reconciliation and Eucharist, firstly by their parents who should, in accordance with their baptismal promise, already be bringing their children to Mass each week. All children should be able to recite from memory the OUR FATHER, HAIL MARY, GLORY BE TO THE FATHER and the CONFETIOR. The children will be expected to come along to weekly sessions held at the church after school hours. The children will also be expected to attend Holy Mass every Saturday evening or Sunday morning throughout the course.
If you are interested in enrolling your child please fill in this application form or speak to Father Anthony.